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Hi! I'm Elle

I come from a pretty unconventional upbringing and colourful life path which I've been fortunate to have had teachers along the way who came into my life at the right times, helped me overcome trauma and heal physical issues that I was told were "genetic" or "there is no cure"- now I know how powerful our minds and energy are! Over time I've learnt to how I can now continue the path of healing, helping others like I had been helped along the way.


I created Flow Connection to be able to use my teachings to help heal, renew, or guide others who may need support. At Flow Connection, I believe that with the right guidance and tools, the human spirit can unlock its potential.


As we flow, I offer a range of hypnotherapy services which call upon guided meditation, visualization and deep relaxation with specialized hypnosis techniques.  I use art and creativity which lives in each and every one of us along in the process. My goal is to grow these services within this community and help my clients achieve a greater sense of self and to live with more joyfulness and purpose.



​I have studied at the Hypnotherapy New Zealand Institute with the renown and brilliant Justine Lette and Messy By Nature - Reiki Room with the remarkably gifted Laura Cutfield, I am forever a student, growing with this universe and all the amazing beings in it. 


  • HNZ Diploma of Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy


  • Certified Simpson Protocol Specialist


  • Certified HypnoChange™ Coach


  • L2 Reiki Practitioner


  • Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts

  • Cert. Pattern Making & Design 

  • Harpist & Healing Sound Practioner

Simpson Protocol Hypnosis New Zealand School of Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis New Zealand School of Hypnotherapy
Messy By Nature Reiki Master Teacher New Zealand
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