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What is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

Hypnoflow with Elle

Did you know, most people are naturally in a state of Hypnosis 15 to 50 times per hour. Have you ever been driving your car and all of a sudden can't remember driving the last km? But somehow you did, safely. You had a good Subconscious level of awareness to do so, using stored memory that knew that location whilst your conscious mind drifted off. Whilst that is a dangerous and extreme situation, I bet many of us have done it... How about listening to music whilst cleaning the house, and all of a sudden 3 hours past and it felt like 1! Where those days go quickly but you haven't actually done much, I bet there was a fair amount of time unbeknownst tranced out. Did you know children are naturally in a state of Hypnosis until the age of around 7yrs old? That's why they are so extremely susceptible to believing everything we say to them and they take things in like a sponge. They have no Critical Faculty (more on that below).

Now, this natural state of going into Hypnosis can also be recreated. Hypnosis is the state in which a practitioner induces by using Hypnotherapy. This is where suggestive work is able to help all your levels of consciousness to heal issues which effect your quality of life with an induced state of trance.

Hypnotherapy is the type of therapeutic work, processes and language techniques a practitioner does to induce a state of altered consciousness, which is called Hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a totally safe and tried-and-true method of therapy used worldwide on everyday people, with amazing results. There's no need to be scared of losing control, as there is always some level of control over your state when in light hypnosis to begin with. You have to LET the hypnotherapist do the work needed, if you do not let them they can not put you into hypnosis anyways. Hypnosis is simply a deep wonderful level of relaxation, were then we work together to achieve results.

We all have different levels of awareness within us- Consciousness is the state of thinking and being "awake" or aware to the sights, sounds, smells, feelings of everything external around us, using our senses. In this Conscious state our mind experiences and makes decisions on what is safe, not safe, logical, or any other objective thoughts. It also passes information through the Critical Faculty (kind of like a filter) into the Subconscious to store as data.

Our Subconscious mind is the part of us that holds that information, which in turn effects our personality, our emotions and reactions to certain stimuli or experiences.

With Hypnosis we can get past the analytical Conscious mind, open the Critical Faculty and access the Subconscious mind directly with more persuasion, it's then the Subconscious mind lets us re-program some of those beliefs that restrict a person from living their best life.

In Spiritual or Holistic Hypnosis, we take client further past the Subconscious, and into their own Super Conscious. This is where a lot of healing can be done, not only on a soul level but also a cellular and molecular level. Whilst this is not a replacement for medical treatment by qualified Doctors, there is so much that can be done here and it's a wonderful complementary healing modality. Everything is energy and here we can balance the energy that we're made of. This is the deepest level of the conscious states, which is our Inner Knowing - that part of you which is where you get your gut feelings and intuitive messages- in time, accessing this part of you through Hypnosis can create great awareness to higher levels of mindfulness and extra sensory experiences.

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